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Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna

Jaguariuna, Brazil
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Basic information and contact details for Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna


The Centro Universitário de Jaguariuna was established in 2000 is part of the UniEduK Group. The university's campus is located in Jaguariuna, Brazil.

The university offers a range of courses, from an undergraduate to postgraduate level, along with technical and free courses as another option to its prospective students. Undergraduate courses include management, accounting sciences, pedagogy, letters, librarianship and marketing. These courses are currently offered in both on-campus and distance learning formats.

Postgraduate degrees are offered in the fields of management and business, education, health, medicine, veterinary medicine, and law. These courses are held online. Over 700 free courses are offered at the university.

The city of Jaguariuna is located in Sao Paolo, Brazil, its name translating as the River of the Black Jaguars. There are lots of attractions, activities and areas for students to explore during their down time, including Park Van Gogh, Lakes Park and Holambra History Museum.

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