
Systems Engineering Research

11 Sep 2019
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Systems Engineering Research

In Macau Institute of Systems Engineering (MISE), there are six faculty members who mainly do research in engineering field and these six faculty members make the following contributions.

  • From 2015 to now, according to Web of Science, 199 SCI-indexed papers are published
    • In average, each faculty member contributes about 33 (199?6) SCI-indexed papers
    • In average, each faculty member publishes about 8 (33?4) SCI-indexed papers per year
  • These papers are cited up to 1724 times by SCI-indexed papers with each paper being cited 8.66 times in average.
    • The highest citations of a single paper are 81
    • The average citations of a paper is 8.66
  • In MISE, there are four faculty members who are Fellow, IEEE, and they are Li Zhiwu, Zhou Mengchu, Wang Feiyue, and Wu Naiqi
  • In MISE, currently two faculty members are highly cited researchers according to Clarivate, and they are Li Zhiwu and Zhou Mengchu
  • The faculty members publish 28 highly cited papers according to ESI
  • With the above achievement, the Engineering research at Macau University of Science and Technology is ranked in the top 1% according to ESI

    • The faculty members are very active in international activities:
      • Editor in chief of journals
        • IEEE Transactions on Computing Social Systems
        • IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica
      • Associate editor of journals
        • IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
        • IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
        • IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
        • IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems
        • Information Sciences
      • Conference organizer
    • IEEE Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
    • IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering
    • IEEE Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control
    • IFAC Conference on Workshop of Discrete Event Systems
    • Wide research cooperation with high ranked organizations
      • Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
      • New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
      • Toronto University, Canada
      • University of Alberta, Canada
      • University of Cagliari, Italy
    • Breakthrough research achievement

    It is well known that the short-term scheduling problem of a refinery is characterized as a hybrid optimization problem and it is proved to be NP-hard. Moreover, initially the operations to be performed during a scheduling horizon are unknown and the schedule feasibility is difficult to verify, which makes widely used heuristics and metaheuristics not applicable to this scheduling problem. Thus, up to now, there is no software tool for such applications and such a job is still done manually by planners, which not only imposes great workload on the planners, but also a manually obtained schedule is not good, or a infeasible schedule, leading to significant economic loss.


This challenging problem is tackled by a research group at MISE and a hybrid-control-theoretic-based methodology is proposed for this problem such that the problem can be solved in polynomial time. Based on the proposed methodology, techniques are presented to develop software tools for practical applications. Now, with the developed techniques, a software package has been developed and is ready to be released to market. This is the first tool that can automatically generate an optimal schedule for practical refineries. This is a breakthrough research achievement in this field.