Royal Academy of Engineering
The academy's engineering graduate prize was awarded to the following: Martin Davy, mechanical engineering, University College London; Helen Emerson, civil engineering, Queen's University Belfast; Caroline Gledhill, University of Cambridge; Ian Gregory, total technology mechanical engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine; Peter Hill, manufacturing engineering, University of Cambridge; Mark Hobbs, chemical engineering, Aston University; Simon Huckett, electrical and electronic engineering, University of Bristol; James Messham, electronic, communication and computer engineering, University of Bradford; Philippa Montgomery-Smith, civil engineering, University of Nottingham; Clive Roberts, electronic engineering, University of Wales, Cardiff.
Harry Collins, professor in the department of sociology and social policy, director of the centre for knowledge, expertise and science, has been awarded the John Bernal Desmond Prize, an international award for research in the social studies of science.
Anthony Upton, emeritus professor in the department of modern history, has been awarded the Order of the White Rose of Finland in recognition of his services to Finland and his distinguished contribution to research in modern Finnish history.