Beasts at Bedtime: Revealing the Environmental Wisdom in Children’s Literature, by Liam Heneghan An environmental biologist’s examination of the books we read during childhood is in equal parts charming and irritating, writes Shelley King Shelley King 5月 10日
Book of the Week: Gillian Beer's Alice in Space Shelley King is happy to linger over an erudite, witty and intimate journey through Wonderland Shelley King 12月 8日
Left Out: The Forgotten Tradition of Radical Publishing for Children in Britain 1910-1949, by Kimberley Reynolds Once upon a time, authors pushed young readers to see the world very differently, says Shelley King Shelley King 10月 20日
Children’s Fantasy Literature: An?Introduction, by Michael Levy and Farah Mendlesohn Shelley King on a comprehensive tour of magical worlds Shelley King 6月 16日